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Driving in Parking Lots

Safely navigating a parking lot is an essential part of driving a vehicle.  Parking lots can be a source of both convenience and frustration. Here are ten helpful tips for driving in parking lots to ensure your experience is smooth and stress-free.

1. Slow Down and Be Alert

There are usually many pedestrians and other vehicles in parking lots, so it is essential to reduce your speed, and stay alert. Often children or other pedestrians will dart out in front of vehicles unexpectedly.

2. Follow Traffic Signs Carefully

There is a reason for all of the traffic signs and signals in a parking lot. Make sure to obey them to avoid leading to accidents.

3. Use Your Car Signals

Letting other drivers know your next move is essential to keeping safe on the road. The same goes for parking lots. Use your car signals to help tell others what you intend to do next.

4. Watch for Reversing Vehicles

Prepare to brake suddenly if a car starts backing up when you are passing parked vehicles. It is very often that drivers back up without checking for oncoming traffic. Additionally, sometimes the view of the driver backing up is obstructed.

5. Park Correctly

Parking in  two spaces or park in a way that obstructs others is not a considerate way to use the parking lot. If you park within the lines, it helps keep traffic moving more smoothly and allows others to park as well.

6. Watch out for Shopping Carts

Shopping carts can randomly appear in shopping lots.  Try to look out for the shopping carts so you can avoid hitting them.

7. Look for Pedestrian Crosswalks

In crosswalks, pedestrians have the right of way.  Make sure to stop and yield to them when they're crossing. This is especially common near store entrances. There’s usually a lot of foot traffic in and out of the store.

8. Avoid Distractions

Always stay focused on your surroundings just like on the road. Distracted driving is extremely dangerous in any location and at any speed.

9. Use Your Horn Sparingly

Only alert others in danger by honking your horn. Using it for frustration and impatience is not necessary.

10. Practice Patience

Parking lots are chaotic. Try to practice patience to ensure the safety of yourself and others around you.

Using these ten tips will help guide safe and courteous driving in the parking lots to create a better driving experience for all!

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