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Bumper sticker proves to be dangerous for disabled girl

A recent article in the Huffington Post reported refusal by a tow truck operator, to tow a disabled girl's vehicle, when the driver noticed a Bernie Sanders sticker on her car. It's hard to believe, but he just left her at the side of the road.  This might seem like an extreme example of the emotions and reactions that bumper stickers can produce, but I’m sure each one of us has our own pet peeves. Many true sports fans can understand these similar positive emotions in seeing their team’s sticker on a car, or negative feelings upon seeing the arch rival’s sticker on another vehicle.  

Whether you're decorating your vehicle to go "Cruizin for Ted" or displaying a "Bumper for Bernie", besides the emotional responses you may evoke, you may also want to consider the legal placement of such stickers. At we can give you the legal rundown, of sticker size and placement on your vehicles windows, to prevent vision obstruction, but we offer no advice on political affiliations.

Remember the basics of the California vehicle code regarding windows, is to allow good visibility in all driving environments and conditions. The following are only a few of the legal exceptions to placing anything between you and the view of the outside world.
Any material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied upon the windshield or side or rear windows is not allowed, however there are numerous exceptions. Here are the more common exceptions that are allowed.

  • Rearview mirrors ( I think we all know this one)
  • Sign or stickers in the lower seven inch corner on passenger’s side.
  • Adjustable sun-visors mounted forward of the side windows.
  • A portable GPS mounted in a seven-inch square (passengers side)or in a five-inch square in the lower corner (Drivers side)
  • A wide angle view lens to the side window (passenger’s side) not exceeding 50 square inches.
  • A video event recorder with the capability of monitoring driver performance.
  • An electronic toll device centered in the uppermost windshield not greater than 5 inches square.
  • Side windows to the rear of the driver

If you read the full law regarding the exact specifications of decals or devices, it can make your head spin, such as reflective quality, whether the sticker is transparent, the exact light transmission allowed, allowable colors and reflective qualities. To make it simple you should probably keep bumper stickers off the windows. Hmmm, maybe that’s why they call them bumper stickers. I just got a great idea for a car bumper, that has it's own window for sticker placement.

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